Main Page / PassionIT Course Catalog / Troubleshooting TCP/IP Networks with Wireshark

Troubleshooting TCP/IP Networks with Wireshark

In this hands-on Troubleshooting TCP/IP Networks with Wireshark course, you will receive in-depth training on Wireshark® and TCP/IP communications analysis.

Duration: 5 Days

Training Formats

Virtual Classroom




Enrollment & Exam Options

Catalog Details

You will learn to use Wireshark to identify the most common causes of performance problems in TCP/IP communications. You will develop a thorough understanding of how to use Wireshark efficiently to spot the primary sources of network performance problems, and you will prepare for the latest Wireshark Certified Network Analyst (WCNA) certification exam.

Topics you will cover in this course include:

  • Traffic capturing techniques and analyzer placement
  • Traffic filtering (capture/display)
  • Customized profiles creation
  • Coloring rules, graphing, field interpretations, and functionality of key TCP/IP communications
  • Normal behavior of ARP, DNS, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, and HTTP/HTTPS
  • Latency issue identification
  • Connection establishment concerns
  • Service refusals
  • Common indications of reconnaissance processes and breached hosts

This course includes the official Wireshark study guide to help you prepare for the WCNA certification exam.

Please bring your own laptop loaded with Wireshark to class. You may download Wireshark for free at


The Troubleshooting TCP/IP Networks with Wireshark course will be of interest to anyone interested in learning to troubleshoot and optimize TCP/IP networks and analyze network traffic with Wireshark, especially:

  • Network Engineers
  • Information Technology Specialists
  • Security Analysts
  • Those preparing for the Wireshark Certified Network Analyst exam
Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of the education and examination components related to this qualification, candidates can expect to gain competencies in the following:

  • Top 10 reasons for network performance complaints
  • Place the analyzer properly for traffic capture on a variety of network types
  • Capture packets on wired and wireless networks
  • Configure Wireshark for best performance and non-intrusive analysis
  • Navigate through, split, and work with large traffic files
  • Use time values to identify network performance problems
  • Create statistical charts and graphs to pinpoint performance issues
  • Filter out traffic for more efficient troubleshooting and analysis
  • Customize Wireshark coloring to focus on network problems faster
  • Use Wireshark’s Expert System to understand various traffic problems
  • Use the TCP/IP Resolution Flowchart to identify possible communication faults
  • Analyze normal/abnormal Domain Name System (DNS) traffic
  • Analyze normal/abnormal Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) traffic
  • Analyze normal/abnormal Internet Protocol v4 (IPv4) traffic
  • Analyze normal/abnormal Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP) traffic
  • Analyze normal/abnormal User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic
  • Analyze normal/abnormal Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) traffic
  • Analyze normal/abnormal Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) traffic

Candidates for this course must have completed the TCP/IP Networking course.

For related certifications, see the PassionIT Group Course Catalog.

Client Testimonials

"I was thrilled to pass on the 1st try! 😊 @ Hillary, thank you for hosting the training class. It was engaging and well thought out. Both , the training session, and the exam itself were conducted professionally and covered a lot of material. I wouldn’t change anything to be honest."

Brady, Anthony

, Arnold Fastening

"I passed my exam with 40/40. The training was helpful; I have been in IT a long time but those specific test strategies made the score what it was. My execution was as follows: I went through all 40 questions and answered what I thought was best. Then, I went back to the beginning and read every answer and made myself figure out which answers could be easily eliminated and which were more likely answers. I also noticed patterns among questions so that I could flip back and see how some questions helped with other questions' answers. I actually changed six of my answers in the second run-thru of the test; that is unusual because usually the best strategy is to go with your first answer. It was using the strategy you taught us of reading every answer and making myself figure out what the other options were (e.g. the answer was "major incident management" but the other options were the definitions of "emergency change," "release management," and "warranty") that gave me that perfect score."

Lakshmi Sadasiv


"Wow, you guys are awesome"

Kevin Hunt


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